St. Petersburg Polytechnic University The Voronezh State. Technical University Karaganda State University
Economy of Armenia: digital transformation at the present stage of development. Russian-Armenian University (Department of Economics and Finance)
Digital transformation in the sectors and spheres of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Karshi State University (Uzbekistan)
AI for sustainable development and crisis management: new challenges and opportunities Moscow State University (Faculty of State. management) Center for State and Corporate Anti-Crisis Management of Moscow State University
Digitalization of subsoil use in the intellectual economy St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II
Digitalization of the financial sector St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Management of socio-economic development in the intellectual economy Russian New University (Moscow)
State Industrial Policy in the Context of Intellectual Economy Kostroma State University
Ensuring the economic security of the Russian-Belarusian border regions in the context of digital transformation Pskov State University
Intellectual Economy: New Reality and Sustainable Development of Siberia Siberian Federal University (Institute of Business Process Management)
Digital Modeling of Industrial Systems SPbPU, Laboratory "Digital Modeling of Industrial Systems" of the Advanced Engineering School
Digital Streaming Tools SPbPU, Laboratory "Industrial Systems of Stream Data Processing" of the Advanced School of Engineering
Research by undergraduate and graduate students St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
27 April(Sunday)
Arrival and accommodation of participants
28 April(Monday, SPbPU)
10.00 – 13.00. Opening of the conference, greetings, plenary reports, awarding
14.00 – 15.30 hours. Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence
15.30 – 17.00. Excursions to SPbPU — Supercomputer Center, NIL, Museum